Physical Therapy Maintenance Program
A physical therapy assistant maintenance program helps you maintain the progress you made in physical therapy treatment. After being discharged from physical therapy, your therapist at State of the Art Physical Therapy may recommend ongoing support through an exercise and physical fitness program in Ashburn, VA.
Reach by State of the Art Physical Therapy – A Physical Therapy Maintenance Program in Ashburn, VA
This clinic-based program is designed for people who have been discharged from Physical Therapy. Once your physical therapy recovery goals have been accomplished, you may want help to continue to progress your physical fitness program under the supervision of a trained clinician. With professional supervision, you reduce the risk of injury while maintaining optimal fitness and recovery results.
When you are ready to be discharged from your regular physical therapy program, discuss your transition to the Reach Health Maintenance Program with your primary therapist. They can help you transition and adjust your program goals. In some cases, you may need to get your physician’s approval.
What to Expect
Once you have been discharged from regular physical therapy sessions, you will notice similarities and differences in your new maintenance physical therapy appointments.
One similarity is that both regular and maintenance physical therapy sessions require an initial assessment and evaluation. Both therapy types develop a plan of care and review that plan frequently to ensure the plan is on target for your needs. The difference is that regular rehabilitation physical therapy is based on your short-term recovery. In contrast, maintenance physical therapy is designed for the long term.
You can choose the frequency of your workouts based on your goals and schedule. However, most people attend twice or three times a week. You and your physical therapist will review your progress monthly. Membership for the program is on a month-to-month basis.
Your need for maintenance therapy is not about recovering from your injury or condition. The decision to join the maintenance program is based on whether you need skilled care.
If you are looking for a physical fitness program supported by a physical therapy maintenance program, talk to your physical therapist at State of the Art Physical Therapy in Ashburn, VA.
Health Maintenance Program Physical Therapy FAQs:
What happens after I am finished physical therapy?
After being discharged from physical therapy, many patients choose to continue to progress under the supervision of a trained clinician. This reduces the risk of future injury and maximizes fitness goals for optimal results.
How often should I attend a Physical Therapy Maintenance Program?
You can attend physical therapy maintenance programs at your discretion. Still, most people keep up a workout schedule of 2 or 3 sessions per week. Your physical therapist will provide a recommendation and discuss a transition to a maintenance program with you.
Do I have to sign up for a year for a Physical Fitness Program supervised by a physical therapist?
No. Membership for an ongoing physical fitness program supervised by a physical therapist is on a month-to-month basis. Your physical therapist will discuss your membership transition into and out of the ongoing program.